This update brings support to the iPhone 4 (GSM) 5.1.1/9B208 build that was recently released by Apple.
All that this means is that you can now gain untethered status using the latest version of Rocky Racoon. If your iPhone 4 is running this firmware build, and it is currently jailbroken using a tethered jailbreak, you can install Rocky Racoon to gain untethered status.
Special thanks to iH8sn0w for the clarification:
Sebastien Page @SebastienPage 29 May 12
Rocky Racoon 5.1.1 Untether updated to version 1.0-2
@SebastienPage It just adds the 5.1.1/9B208 iPhone 4 (GSM) untether payload. :)
Even if you don’t fit the criteria to benefit from the update, it is still advisable that you update in order to be on the absolute latest build of Rocky Racoon. Have you updated yet?
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