March 16, 2025

17 thg 5, 2012

These two tweaks make it easier to delete contacts and history items

( - For some strange reason Apple has made deleting contacts an overly difficult task; they’ve likewise made deleting individual Safari history items impossible.
Perhaps these hurdles and restrictions exists by design, but that doesn’t change the fact that they’re both incredibly annoying.
If you happen to be jailbroken, two tweaks — OneByOne Safari and OneByOne Contacts — seek to address this lingering issue within iOS. Full video walkthrough inside…

Each tweak is fairly self explanatory. OneByOne Contacts allows you to easily delete contacts “one by one” from the main contacts screen. OneByOne Safari allows you to easily delete individual history items.
Neither tweak will knock your socks off, but as Sebastien pointed out to me earlier, both are very useful for managing history and contacts.
If you’re interested in trying either tweak, head over to Cydia’s BigBoss repo where you can download both for free.
What do you think? Are these tweaks solving real issues within iOS, or is this an overblown problem?

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