March 16, 2025

21 thg 5, 2012

Absinthe 2.0 iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak in action [Video]

(iDownloadblog) - Shortly after confirming the name of the upcoming iOS 5.1.1 jailbreak tool, iOS hacker, xvolks, uploaded a video showcasing Absinthe 2.0 in action.
xvolks warns that the video is poor quality, but given that he and the rest of the team have been working very hard on getting this release out as soon as possible, we can surely cut him some slack.
The video is of an iPhone 4 GSM running iOS 5.1.1. The iPhone 4 is jailbroken with the new Absinthe tool, which incorporates pod2g’s exploits.
Check inside for a sneak peak at the new Absinthe 2.0 in action...

It looks like one of the main tasks left on the plate is for the team to test the remainder of the eligible devices with Absinthe 2.0. Seeing that the device list is quite large, this could take a few days in itself.

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